On October 21 Conshohocken Borough issued a formal Request For Proposal (RFP) soliciting bids for Zoning Services. Bids will be accepted until Monday, November 18, 2019.
The successful bidder will be responsible for the following according to the RFP:
1. Accept, review and record all applications for zoning permits, use and occupancy permits, and certificates of zoning compliance.
2. Responsible for the Zoning Administrative Process.
3. Conduct visual inspections to determine compliance of properties with the conditions of approved zoning applications.
4. Attend meetings of the Zoning Hearing Board. Attend Planning Commission and Borough Council meetings as required to provide information to assist with decision-making.
5. Maintain the zoning map.
6. Respond to complaints regarding zoning violations.
7. Submit to the Borough, on a monthly basis, reports of all zoning applications, violations, actions taken, and potential commercial developments included new housing developments.
8. Update Street files and zoning files with all zoning decisions and documents as required by the Municipal Records Manual.
9. Answer inquiries from professionals and the general public regarding land usage, zoning codes and related ordinances.
10. Review land development plans for compliance with zoning and other requirements, and issue review letters documenting the same.
11. Process applications for outdoor dining licenses including review of application requirements and conditions of approval.
There are also additional Floodplain duties as well.
Read the entire document here.